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Beginners Guide to Defeat Distraction


Distraction requires being distracted away from the thing you should be doing, whether it’s a task that you have got or anything. In simple words distraction means focusing on something that is not your first priority. Distraction happens when we don't have a vision.


Most people don't use their imagination constructively most people use their imagination destructively they imagine what they don't want. We've got to consciously and deliberately imagine what we do want if we will take and sit down with a pen. Ask yourself what do I really want and write it down and then make a written description of it in the present tense.

You're building a vision in your mind; it's the visionaries that changed the world. Think of that the fact that you've got the clothes you wear the house you live in. It's not an accident. You have a marvelous imagination and everything starts with a vision.

What do you want to do in this amazing life? Where do you want to go? What do you want to make happen? Think about it for a moment. Don't think of why you can't. Make a written description of that vision. Vision will play a major role in directing your life if you allow.


Overcoming fear is one of the greatest moves a person can make. At first, ask yourself, “What causes fear?”

If we're gonna change habit patterns then we're wandering into an area we've never been and you know fear stops most people. You'll find people afraid to talk to a stranger. You'll find individuals afraid to stand up and ask the question in front of other people. The doors aren't locked.

They can open and you can walk away to free them if you learn to overcome fear. When you face fear it leaves you. That's really the secret of it. If you hold yourself back because of the fear then your life actually stops because from there nothing can possibly be better than it already is. You've got to be courageous now.

Make up your mind that fear is not going to stop you from doing the thing you really want to do. Step out and do it today.


Tell yourself a lie often enough you're gonna start to believe it. See when you believe it you're encased in the idea. You fuse with the idea and that makes all kinds of things happen. When you believe it there's no quitting. You never quit.

The second you think of something you've got it intellectually. When you get emotionally involved you've got it on a spiritual or emotional level. Well then that expresses itself through the body but it's just an instrument of your mind and so when you're really buying into it you literally fuse with it.

When you get into the mind there isn't any time or space it's just immediate. You're living on frequencies. Now when you think of something what you've done is you flipped your brain onto a higher frequency. What you have to do is raise your level of consciousness to that frequency and then you will attract whatever on that frequency.


Love is the greatest thing, love what you do. It's simply a matter of sitting down and determining what you really love to do and then make a decision to dedicate your life to it. The problem is most people don't know what to do and they never make a decision to dedicate their life to.

When you love doing something you won't get tired. Why? You're a free flow. The energies are freely flowing through you. Fall in love with what you do and you'll be creating great stuff wherever you go. Love the people that you're working with.


If you're going to change you're gonna have to find out something about yourself. You have to study yourself. Most people don't know who they are really. I mean, you know your name, you know your age but that's not you know. The words that your parents gave you they're called names. But it's not you, it's your name.

Then some people say well this is me but this isn't you either. It's your body or your hands or your legs. That's an interesting thing and if a person will start to study that and look for the answer they'll find it.

We live simultaneously on three planes of understanding for spiritual creatures we have an intellect and we live in physical bodies. Because we lack awareness or understanding of who we are we are. 95% of the population is reacting to life they're not really living at all.


It's the start that stops most people. What we've got to do is BOOM, just like that. Move into action. If you never started you're never going to finish it. How do we do that? Start early. When you wake up you should get up the second you wake up get your feet hit the floor move into action and you'd be wise if you write down six goal achieving activities sit down at night before you go to bed.

Now that doesn't go to the store go to the bank or get to cleaning. These are goal achieving activities. Write down six of them and after you wake up you just move into action. You know where you're gonna go. You don't even have to think about it.

Get on the first one. When you get it done, forget it and go to the second one don't think about the first one. Focus on second. Don't even think about three. When you get second done then go to three. If you don't get them all done just move them over on to the next day and that doesn't mean if you only get three done that you have nine the next day. There are three of the six that you're gonna do the next day. Six goal achieving activities and when you wake up, you move into action. Quit holding yourself back and the way will show itself it just appears.

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