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How 5G Can Change The World



5G means incredibly fast download speeds. Think about how long it takes you to download a feature-length movie using 3g. A decade ago it might have taken a day.

4G got that down to about 6 minutes. About 5G, from the time you click the download button you should be able to get a whole movie out of your hard drive and ready for viewing in about 7 seconds.


It's not just about the amount of data that the network can process at any given moment. It's also about how quickly the network reacts the time between you clicking and the message reaching the server.

The technical term for this is latency and with 5G, the latency is going to be serious fast. On 4G latency averages around 50 milliseconds but 5G promises to take that down to 4 milliseconds and these are razor-sharp. Reaction speeds are going to improve everything from videoconferencing to gaming to financial services.


Another difference is that 5G networks will be able to handle more connected devices at any given time and of course that means better coverage. With 4G network conserve 4000 devices in a square kilometer but with 5G that's gonna be more like a million which means that slow connections and crowded places really should become a thing of the past.


This is where things start to get really futuristic, self-driving cars have been in the works for some time now but its 5G that could give them the boost they need to take off. It’s because they're going to need to communicate with other cars as well as with smart traffic lights and smart road signs.

They'll need to sense whatever's around them and what's around the corner whether that's a pedestrian or a physical object. They'll have to make split-second decisions that are as good as or even better than human reflexes. And to do all this reliably and safely they're going to need a lot of data delivered at lightning-fast speeds that's something that 4G can't do but 5G can.


Recently a lot of us have been using teleconferencing services like Zoom or Skype more than we used to and we know they're not perfect yet with time lags that make communication feel less natural. Besides, unreliable internet connections can really mess things up.

Well, 5G promises to solve those problems and take teleconferencing to a whole new level and it offers tools for working remotely. Imagine a team of architects or designers being able to view and edit a 3d image in a teleconference or video editors working together on an HD video file all in real time even though they're all in different places. The speed and the amounts of data 5G can deal with make all of this possible.


Virtual Reality (VR) technology is used in training for medicine, sports and military as well as for therapy purposes and of course gaming. It requires huge amounts of data and transferring all that data has captured VR technology pretty expensive.

Well, that's just something else that 5G looks to change. The fast reaction time that are due to the low latency means it will work that bit more seamlessly and feel that bit more real. All of which means that VR could soon become a bigger part of our lives for work and for fun and there are already a number of contenders out there when it comes to VR headsets.


Imagine walking around an unfamiliar neighborhood with a pair of glasses that superimpose directions over your view of surroundings and that can also recommend cafes or other local businesses when a friend messages you.

You can see it on your screen without having to take out any device from your pocket or even look at your wrist. With 5G, it could be just time for a product like this to take off. Imagine calling a friend on Skype or Zoom and they appear on your couch instead of in a box on your screen.

Well this isn't science fiction any longer because holograph calls have already been tested successfully and they used 5G networks. Just remember though that when we think about some of the things that 4G made possible from Uber to Snapchat to Pokemon Go most of us would never have predicted them a decade ago.

It means that while we can make all kinds of guesses when it comes to what 5G will bring us, we can only wait and see.


You might be surprised to hear that 6G is already on the way, well sort of. Mobile industry insiders tell that it's in the research base. Companies are already working on 6th generation cellular wireless.

As a new generation comes out around once every 10 years, we'll have to wait until around 2030 to see exactly what 6G will bring us. At the moment nobody can say for sure what kind of speeds we can expect but some estimates tell us that we could be looking at downloading one terabyte that's around 140 hours of Netflix movies in just a single second.

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