As current circumstances are rapidly evolving more and more people are working from home (WFH) and finding out the definite pros and cons of doing so.
Of course with children being at home the circumstances are slightly okay and majorly more challenging than usual. The struggle however is trying to strike the perfect balance between work and home life and properly switching off when the day is over.
We get it not everyone lives in a great big house with a separate room you can convert into a Pinterest ready home office space. Many of us have roommates, children, small apartments, house shares and we can go on.However, there are simple inexpensive ways to differentiate your working space from your home space. Even in your bedroom as long as space you provide for yourself a small inspirational spot in the corner of a room that makes you proud to work there.
You could get a room divider to separate the room. A jar of fresh greenery on the desk and a happy pick or two usually does the trick. The main point here is to have a clear distinction between living space and workspace.
You could get a room divider to separate the room. A jar of fresh greenery on the desk and a happy pick or two usually does the trick. The main point here is to have a clear distinction between living space and workspace.
There's a reason why so many companies and businesses have banned social media.That's because up to 2.35 hours are lost every day to people browsing online content. When you work from home it's easy to become distracted when your phone pings to alert you of a message. The next minute you've somehow lost 45 minutes of the day and then it's even more challenging to get back into work mode.
Switch all notifications off when you're working and only check during your breaks or when you finished work for the day. You'll become so much more productive and finish your daily tasks on time with extra time just for you.
A change of scenery is very important when working from home. It will help you keep your mental health in check too.Choose one day a week to possibly work in a coffee shop just to have some fresh faces and sounds. Plus you never know who you could meet while doing so. You could meet a new business contact that reaps huge benefits for you or vice versa.
So set aside a little time each day to make up for that. Spend some time doing yoga or meditating or journaling or just being mindful. During your workday take proper breaks to keep your brain awake and stimulated.
Many commuters use their commuting time to listen to music or meditation or read a book or catch up on social media or chatting to friends. When you work from home you don't have that commute time to do those things.So set aside a little time each day to make up for that. Spend some time doing yoga or meditating or journaling or just being mindful. During your workday take proper breaks to keep your brain awake and stimulated.
Remember to schedule them and stick to them. There's no point skipping them. After all, you're busy because truthfully you'll burn out or tire quickly.
By taking a quick walk around the block or stretching while planting your feet into some grass you'll come back refreshed and ready for the next stretch of work that’s ahead of you.
If you're going to be sitting most of the day you might as well be comfortable. Some suggest getting a standing desk if that works for you then great.
Going into work means you have all the right equipment at your disposal which is not often the case when working from home. Most importantly get yourself a great chair.If you're going to be sitting most of the day you might as well be comfortable. Some suggest getting a standing desk if that works for you then great.
A decent PC that can run all of your software and apps without stalling, delaying, or just generally being busy. Noise-canceling headphones are great to have.
Become skilled at all online communication hubs and ensure you follow online chat etiquette. Put your camera on and mute your microphone until it's your turn to speak.
Make sure your background is neat and tidy. Have good lighting and don't forget to put your pants on. To make your day run as smoothly as possible be proficient in whatever programs you're using.
Become skilled at all online communication hubs and ensure you follow online chat etiquette. Put your camera on and mute your microphone until it's your turn to speak.
Make sure your background is neat and tidy. Have good lighting and don't forget to put your pants on. To make your day run as smoothly as possible be proficient in whatever programs you're using.
If you get upset each time you get distracted you'll struggle to get back into your workflow.Just like a regular office job where a colleague's laugh is annoyingly distracting or you're called into a last-minute meeting you need to be able to go with the flow to some degree. By accepting that there will be distractions you'll find they hassle you a lot less over time.
VPNs or Virtual Private Networks can slow down your internet speed. Call your provider to see how you can get the optimum benefit from their service.If it's worth spending a little more to ensure your video conferencing and streaming facilities are up to speed. There are other things you can try at home to speed up your internet before spending extra cash like checking on your router and modem.
Older models can sometimes be the cause of a slower internet. Changing the position of your router could also help and changing your DNS server can be an option.
Older models can sometimes be the cause of a slower internet. Changing the position of your router could also help and changing your DNS server can be an option.
Check for viruses and see if anything is hogging your bandwidth. Once you've tried all of those options and you're still not coming in right then it might be time for an upgrade.