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Must Have SKILLS For The Future


If nothing else then year 2020 has taught us that we need to prepare for anything the future could throw at us. Not only the world but the workplace has completely transformed. Even after COVID being agile and adaptive is the only way to succeed.

Adjusting and upskilling should be a part of your game plan. It's a critical step in your growth plan to thrive in the fourth Industrial Revolution where change is the only predictable force. For anyone still unsure about the importance of constantly upskilling perhaps it'll interest you to know that the shelf life of a skill used to be 30 years and in today's fast paced world it's only relevant for about six years. That means in the time it takes to get qualified, your skills might already be on the way out.


Code runs the world and can be produced from anywhere if you have the right skills.You don't have to be able to code a whole new search engine to rival Google to earn a decent living from it.

In six months you could learn coding in eight to ten hours per week or less if you can dedicate yourself to it full-time. Within the world of coding there are many different languages you might have heard, names like Java HTML PHP SQL Python.

If you have a specific industry or job in mind check what language they require before you start studying. There are plenty of free courses to get you started. This is a future-proof career if you keep up to date with the industry developments because the demand for coders is never-ending.


Data drives business. Even a platform like YouTube is reliant on numbers and what they mean. It's important to learn how to analyze and harness them to drive your business potential. The need for data capturing, organizing and analysis is not going away.

Most of us have some basis of mathematics in our schooling and building on that has never been easier with endless mathematics advancement courses online. So if you enjoy numbers why not look into upskilling yourself with some statistics and data analysis skills.

Even if you don't want to be employed directly in the field of big data it has enormous potential to give you the edge in any work if you can read and understand the data your industry provides. Seeing numbers as a road map will lead you to business success.


Every piece of writing that goes out needs to be written and someone out there is doing it. These types of unsung heroes are called copywriters. Great copy can be the difference between you buying into a brand or product or passing on it all together.

Some businesses overlook the importance of this skill and it shows in the undecipherable instruction manuals and blog posts we all have to endure. But, when great writing and a solid proofreading comes together you won't even notice it and it'll just be a pleasure.

Writing is a skill that is best mastered in the doing. The current global pandemic has forced the world to be more remote than ever and to keep our social distance. Written information is more essential than before. So why not upscale yourself with some solid writing practice and push through to adopt some great proofreading and editing skills while you're at it.


There are endless opportunities available to people who can sell and communicate well. The opposite is true for those who can't. You don't have to be the greatest showmen or be good at either. That's a common misconception.

Great communication isn't about how loud or forceful you put your point across and a sale isn’t about lying through your gritted teeth. Both are skills that can be learned and perfected through practice and good guidance.

The results of mastering these skills will give you a strategic advantage in business and your personal life. This doesn't even have to take the form of formal training either although there are plenty of courses available online. You can begin improving your skills by observing what does and doesn't work for others.

The bottom line is there will hardly be a day in your life when you don't make a use of sales and communication skills in some way, shape or form even if it's just selling the concept of wearing a winter jacket to your toddler.


We are visual beings and in seconds we form opinions of people and products based on their appearance. Branding is the process of presenting your message in visual messaging to evoke an emotional response and later a transaction.

There is an entire science behind branding. What colors, shapes and fonts humans respond best to, all of this is what designers and branding specialists aim to combine in the work they create. As the world becomes increasingly full of visual clutter and every brand and influencer is a vying for your attention.

Brands need a clear and recognizable visual appearance to get their message across. This is where you come in. There are endless opportunities for you to use design and branding skills to up your game. Whether it's just to update your own social media image or create trend-setting Christmas party invites for your friends or to boost your income, branding skills are essential.

Knowing your way around the entire Adobe Creative Suite might be biting off more than you can chew but easy online tools like Canva can give you a great base to start conquering the design world.

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