The early bird gets the worm. So unless you have some phenomenal reason, don't be late. Plan accordingly and show up on time at the right place.Not being able to find the place is no longer a valid excuse. This is the 21st century and if you can't navigate your way around a Maps app or ask for directions you probably won't be a top candidate for the opportunity.
All it shows is poor planning and a lacks attitude about other people's time.
If you've seen a four year old present a finger painting they did with complete passion and conviction then you'll know that that passion requires no talent.Passion is a love and enthusiasm for what you're doing. No matter what the outcome. It's often seen in people who are very present consumed by the moment and the task at hand and while it doesn't mean the result is always a masterpiece.
It is undeniably a trait that's admired and attracts people to you. Passion doesn't profess to have all the answers. Passion just shows people you have the belief and the drive to see the project through and that's enough for many people to invest in.
It can be popular to have a strong point of view of topics these days but what's often forgotten is general kindness and understanding to all people and points of view.If you want to make it to the top it's important to learn to adopt a non-judgmental approach because you never know who you might be doing business with next.
Being open to all races, beliefs, genders and so on will open up more doors for you than re-tweeting racial or bigoted stereotyping memes will ever do.
Work ethic shows your drive to get your challenges and level up. It takes no special skills or studying and its value means everything to build in your career.
Having a great work ethic means you show integrity and you take your work seriously and produce great quality. You take responsibility. You work as team and show endurance.Work ethic shows your drive to get your challenges and level up. It takes no special skills or studying and its value means everything to build in your career.
If work ethic is your desire to maintain a standard of work delivery then effort is how much hard work you put into achieving and maintaining that standard.Effort is the everyday display of your work ethics and practice. It's keeping at it until you achieve the results. It's going until the job is done. It's not settling before you get to the goal you set.
The effort you put in is never a waste so don't waste an opportunity by putting in less than one hundred percent effort.
Once you get into the boardroom or make it to the audition or find yourself at a glitzy networking event be sure your body language doesn't let you down.We are all speaking two languages the words we say and the words we don't say via our body language. Your body language gives the first impression of your level of enthusiasm.
Your confidence gives away your opinions and attitudes on a topic of conversation. Be sure your body language is conveying the attitudes and messages you want it to or else your words won't matter as much.
On any given day two people are having a similar experience. For one, it's the most exciting and exhilarating challenge of their life and for the other it's a tragedy.Your attitude determines what you see and winners know how to turn challenges into an advantage. Having a great attitude takes no special skill it purely means seeing everything as an opportunity to overcome a challenge.
Those with the never-say-die attitudes are the same people who make it to the top.
But a car isn't just a car and an event isn't just an event. It's the finer details like the lines, the frills or the perfect timing that takes something good and makes it the best.
Being aware of the elements in life that make up a bigger picture is what separates the good from the great. Most people could pull off the main event or figure out that a car is four wheels and engine and a body.But a car isn't just a car and an event isn't just an event. It's the finer details like the lines, the frills or the perfect timing that takes something good and makes it the best.
Understanding the details that matter in your industry and getting them right is what will set you apart.
You'll sound less stupid talking about a topic you know nothing about if you keep your mouth shut. Listening is definitely an age-old technique of sounding less dumb.
If you listen first you won't be putting your foot in your mouth later. You won't go on a tirade voicing an unpopular opinion in a group you need to win over.You'll sound less stupid talking about a topic you know nothing about if you keep your mouth shut. Listening is definitely an age-old technique of sounding less dumb.
It's a great way to make a good impression because let's face it, most people love the sound of their own voice and they will like you a whole lot more if you smile, nod and let them ramble on. So listen and be likable.
Nothing shows initiative and impresses people more than hearing you actually did the thing you said you would do. In a world of half-finished DIYs and have started startups it's remarkable when someone goes ahead and does what they said they were going to do.It builds people's trust it shows your credibility and proves you create your own momentum. It takes nothing but follow-through but so few people are able to turn those words into action.